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Cell Constant of a Commercial Graphite Probe
Estimating the cell constant of an Oakton(tm) conductivity probe available from Cole-Parmer.

An Oakton™ conductivity probe is available from Cole-Parmer (PN EW-35820-62). The data on this page is provided so that you may use an Oakton™ conductivity probe to meter the conductivity or ion concentration in your own fluid instrumentation applications.

The probe uses parallel graphite electrodes and incorporates a 100Ω RTD. The electrodes are approximately planar – 1cm long, 2 mm wide, and separated by 5 mm. From geometrical considerations1) we would expect an upper limit on the cell constant to be,

K = S/A = 0.5 cm / 0.2 cm2 = 2.5 cm-1

Owing to fringing fields beyond the region directly between the electrode plates the cell's conductance is greater and the actual cell constant is lower. Cole-Parmer specifies the cell at K = 1.0 cm-1

The cell's 10 foot cable is terminated with the following wires:

Color Connection
white conductivity electrode
black conductivity electrode
green RTD compensating wire (high)
red RTD high
brown RTD return
clear shield wire

See also → Conductivity Sensing Wildcard

that is, assuming conductance only between the electrode plates and only perpendicular to the electrode surfaces
This page is about: Cell Constant, Graphite Conductivity Probes, Oakton(tm) Conductivity Probe, Cole-Parmer – Cell constant and pin-out cable connections are provided for an Oakton graphite electrode conductivity probe. conductivity cell, carbon electrodes, graphite electrodes