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The C Programmer’s Guide to the Mosaic HandheldTable of ContentsPART 1 GETTING STARTED Introduction. How to Use This Manual Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Handheld Instrument Chapter 2: Powering Your Handheld PART 2 PROGRAMMING THE MOSAIC HANDHELD Chapter 4: The IDE: Writing, Compiling, Downloading and Debugging Programs Chapter 5: Making Effective Use of Memory Chapter 6: Real Time Programming Chapter 7: Failure and Run-Time Error Recovery Chapter 8: Programming the Graphical User Interface PART 3 COMMUNICATIONS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL Chapter 9: Digital and Timer-Controlled I/O Chapter 11: Serial Communications Chapter 12: The Battery-Backed Real Time Clock Chapter 13: Customizing the Handheld's I/O PART 4: REFERENCE DATA |
Type Constant Return Value Integer Description The name of a GUI Toolkit property that causes the Handheld Controller to disable interrupts, stop multitasking, and send a verbose message to serial 1 when a GUI Toolkit error occurs. The error message identifies the calling method and parameters that triggered the error. Possible values of the ABORT_ON_ERROR property are the booleans GUI_TRUE and GUI_FALSE. ABORT_ON_ERROR is initialized to GUI_FALSE by Initialize_GUI. Usage Set_Property( GUI_TOOLKIT, ABORT_ON_ERROR, GUI_TRUE );
Library library.c
Type Constant Return Value Integer Description The name of an object type that is used to create action keys. Action keys are used to invoke event procedures – user defined functions that specify actions that occur when you press a key on the keypad. If the event procedure reads, writes, or modifies GUI Toolkit properties or calls GUI Toolkit methods, the servicing of events must be disabled (using BLOCK_ON_PRESS, BLOCK_ON_HOLD, and BLOCK_ON_RELEASE) to prevent data corruption. Once an action key is instantiated, an event procedure must be associated with it’s PRESS_EVENT_PROCEDURE, HOLD_EVENT_PROCEDURE, or RELEASE_EVENT_PROCEDURE property and it must be inserted into a keypad. Usage actionkeyStop = New_Object( ACTION_KEY ); Set_Property( actionkeyStop, PRESS_EVENT_PROCEDURE, (long) stop_ptr ); Insert_Key ( GUI_KEYPAD0, actionkeyStop, 8 );
Library library.c
void Add_Character ( uint textbox_reference, uchar character )
Type Function Input Parameters textbox_reference A 16 bit reference to a textbox object. character An 8 bit unsigned character to be added to the textbox object. Valid values are from 0 to 255. Description A method that adds a character into a textbox object. The character is added to end of the string in the textbox. Valid values are from 0 to 255. The default font has additional non-ascii symbols or glyphs from 0 to 31 and 128 to 255 that you can use for bar graphs, screen navigation, or system status information. The length of a string in a textbox can grow up to 65,535 characters but the longest string you can send or receive from a textbox is 255 characters. The string length is stored in the STRING_LENGTH property of the textbox. Refresh must be called after a character is added to the textbox to render glyph and show it on the display. Possible errors include: INVALID_TEXTBOX and HEAP_FULL. Usage Add_Character( textboxString, 13 ); // Add carriage return into textbox Refresh ( GUI_SCREEN0 ); // Refresh screen, update textbox.
Library library.c
See Also Delete_Character
void Add_Data ( uint plot_reference, uint data )
Type Function Input Parameters plot_reference A 16 bit reference to a plot object. data A 16 bit unsigned integer to be added to the plot object. Valid values are from 0 to the height of the plot object in pixels. The data represents the distance in pixels as measured from the top edge of the plot. The origin of a plot is the upper left corner of the plot object. Description A method that adds a single data value into a plot object. Data is added to the next position in the circular plot buffer. The data value represents the distance in pixels as measured from the top edge of the plot (the y coordinate). The x coordinate is the position of the data value in the buffer. The x coordinate can not be changed or specified. Refresh must be called after data is added to re-render the plot. The plot is rendered from left to right like an oscilloscope trace. Possible errors include: INVALID_PLOT and DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE. Usage Add_Data( plotVoltage, 12 );
Library library.c
Type Constant Return Value Integer Description The name of a read-only GUI Toolkit property that returns the available bytes remaining in the GUI Heap. Usage longHeapSpace = Get_Property(GUI_TOOLKIT,AVAILABLE_HEAP_SPACE);
Library library.c
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