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Appendix A  - QED Connector Pinouts

The pinouts of all of the connectors on the QED Board are presented below. To locate the connectors on the board, consult Figure A.1 and the white silkscreened labels on the "memory side" of the QED Board. On the "processor side" of the board, the legend indicates the location of pin 1 and the highest numbered pin on each connector.

Note that some signals have compound names to suggest multiple functions. For example, PPC4/RS485.XMIT on the digital I/O bus is a signal that can be configured as a general purpose digital I/O line named PPC4, or as a signal that controls the direction of data flow if the RS485 serial port is in use. Also note that pins labeled "N/C" are not connected to anything.


Figure A.1 Diagram of the memory side of the QED Board with each of the key components and connectors labeled.

QED Communications Connector
TxD1- 1 2 -RxD1
XCVR-- 5 6 -XCVR+
TxD2- 7 8 -RxD2
DGND- 9 10 -DGND
QED Power Connector
/Shutdown- 1
+5VAN- 3
+5V- 5
6-12VDC Raw Vin- 6
Address/Data Connector
PG7- 1 2 -PG6
PG5- 3 4 -PG4
PG3- 5 6 -PG2
PG1- 7 8 -PG0
A15- 9 10 -A14
A13- 11 12 -A12
A11- 13 14 -A10
A9- 15 16 -A8
A7- 17 18 -A6
A5- 19 20 -A4
A3- 21 22 -A2
A1- 23 24 -A0
D7- 25 26 -D6
D5- 27 28 -D4
D3- 29 30 -D2
D1- 31 32 -D0
/RESET- 33 34 -R//W
/OE- 35 36 -/WE
E- 37 38 - V+Raw
DGND- 39 40 -+5V
Keypad/Display Connector
PPB4/KPR4- 1 2 -GND
PPB3/KPR3- 3 4 -+5V
PPC3/KPC3- 5 6 -Vcontrast
PPC0/KPC0- 7 8 -PPB5/Display.RS
PPB2/KPR2- 9 10 -GND
PPC1/KPC1- 11 12 -PPB6/Display.E
PPC2/KPC2- 13 14 -GND
PPB1/KPR1- 15 16 -GND
PPB0/KPR0- 17 18 -GND
N/C- 19 20 -GND
N/C- 21 22 -PPB0/Display.D4
N/C- 23 24 -PPB1/Display.D5
N/C- 25 26 -PPB2/Display.D6
N/C- 27 28 -PPB3/Display.D7
N/C- 29 30 -+5V for remote potentiometer
N/C- 31 32 -Vcontrast for remote potentiometer
N/C- 33 34 -GND for remote potentiometer
Digital I/O Connector
GND- 1 2 -+5V
PA7- 3 4 -PA6
PA5- 5 6 -PA4
PA3- 7 8 -PA2
PA1- 9 10 -PA0
PD5//SS- 11 12 -PD4/SCK
PD3/MOSI- 13 14 -PD2/MISO
E- 15 16 -R//W
/OE- 17 18 -/WE
/XIRQ- 19 20 -/IRQ
/Power Fail- 21 22 -4xOut
/Reset- 23 24 -/Shutdown
PPC7- 25 26 -PPC6
PPC5- 27 28 -PPC4/RS485.XMIT
PPA7- 29 30 -PPA6
PPA5- 31 32 -PPA4
PPA3- 33 34 -PPA2
PPA1- 35 36 -PPA0
AGND- 37 38 -+5VAN
DGND- 39 40 -V+Raw
Analog I/O Connector
Vrl- 1 2 -Vrh
PE7/AN7- 3 4 -PE6/AN6
PE5/AN5- 5 6 -PE4/AN4
PE3/AN3- 7 8 -PE2/AN2
PE1/AN1- 9 10 -PE0/AN0
12AN7- 11 12 -12AN6
12AN5- 13 14 -12AN4
12AN3- 15 16 -12AN2
12AN1- 17 18 -12AN0
AGND- 19 20 -+5VAN
Vin1- 21 22 -Vout1
Vin2- 23 24 -Vout2
Vin3- 25 26 -Vout3
Vin4- 27 28 -Vout4
Vin5- 29 30 -Vout5
Vin6- 31 32 -Vout6
Vin7- 33 34 -Vout7
Vin8- 35 36 -Vout8
1.5Vref- 37 38 -+5V
VRefLow- 39 40 -V+Raw
This page is about: Microcontroller Connector Pinouts 68HC11 MC68HC11F1 – The pinouts of all of connectors on QED Board are presented below. To locate connectors on board, consult Figure A.1 and white silkscreened labels on memory side of QED Board. On processor side of board, legend indicates location of pin 1 and highest …